Mersey Anaesthetic Trainees for Environment & Sustainability (MATES) is a trainee collaborative seeking to reduce the environmental impact and encourage safe, effective and sustainable practice. 

Founded by Drs Tom Colville, Charlotte Berwick and James Holmes in 2021 in response to the climate crisis and a desire to align our personal ethics with our work in order to bring about change.   MATES is closely linked with MAGIQ due to our core principles of trainee collaboration and quality improvement. 

We are members of the Greener Anaesthesia and Sustainability Project (GASP)

Our first regional project is Delivering Environmental Sustainability Through Informed Volatile Awareness (DESTIVA).

The webtool created by Dr Nick Lown has been invaluable in data processing for hospitals with compatible anaesthetic machines. 

Hospital representatives who collaborated on the project are:

Charlotte Berwick

Francesca Bold

Tom Colville

Sara James

James Holmes

Jess Roberts

Jacob Schofield